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Romans 8:38-39 KJV For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.











We desire to be a church empowered by the Holy Spirit and built on God's Word.

Everything we do and teach is based on God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ. You will receive solid Bible-based teaching to help you grow in faith. You will experience a friendly environment where everyone is welcome.

Please know we will do our best to make your worship experience welcoming and uplifting. If you want to add value to your life, serve on Sundays and Wednesdays at Grace Baptist where relationships are built, edification is practiced and asking permission is not a thing of the past. We welcome the opportunity to worship with you and look forward to introducing you to your new family.

May God’s "grace" abound more in your life.

You can now view us live at Livestream.com/GBCdeltona or on our YouTube Channel page.

We will be broadcasting live Sundays at 10 AM ET and 6 PM ET. On Wednesday's, broadcast usually starts at 7:00 PM ET.

Can’t wait to see you soon!

Grace Baptist Church of Deltona, FL
Join Group
We desire to be a church empowered by the Holy Spirit and built on His Word. Everything we do and teach is based on God’s Word and the person of Jesus ...


Grace Baptist Church
3170 Howland Blvd.
Deltona, FL 3272

Service Times

Bible Study (All ages) 9 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10 AM
Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM
Wednesday Evening Worship 7 PM


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