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Romans 10:13 KJV For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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Grace Baptist Church

3170 Howland Blvd.

Deltona, FL 32725



JUNE 17th - 21st
6:00 - 8:30 pm


HOWDY kids!
Join us on an exciting adventure to Giddyup Junction taking God's Love to New Frontiers. At Giddyup Junction, you’ll lasso up the best VBS fun in the west as you gallop to new frontiers where you’ll make awesome discoveries more exciting than the sparkling gold in a prospecting pan! The GOOD NEWS of God's love has saving and life-changing power and will make a difference on any frontier. Each day all ranch hands will gather in the Meetin' Hall, then they will head out WEST to start their adventures to the Good News Gold Mine, Roadrunner Ridge, Chuckwagon Creek and Cowboy Contraptions. After finishing the day's adventures, everyone will head back to the Meetin' Hall' to end their day.


You can register your child now by Clicking Here.

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